Tools To Help Improve and Enhance Distance Learning

Marilyn Gardner, Lawyer
2 min readDec 11, 2020


Because of Covid, 2020 has become a year where students are doing more learning from home than ever before. Some students have to remain at home. Some are doing a mixture of online learning and learning at home. As a result, there are some tools that teachers may need that will help them.

One tool that is recommended is “Quizizz.” This is a site that has online learning games. This site has games for almost any topic. The games include activities that re-enforce the lesson and allow players to find out how well they’re doing. The lessons these games teach are individually paced as well.

“Bamboozle” is yet one more gaming site. Students play in teams. They can pick a question and talk to each other in order to arrive at the correct answers.

“Quill” allows students to learn grammar. In order to get additional practice when needed, “Quill” recommends the appropriate practice lessons.

The Math Sites:

For those students who are math-challenged, there are online sites for that as well.

“Google Slides” is free and it’s simple to use. The questions let students use third-party applications that let them insert screen shots that show the work they did. This allows teachers to observe and modify the answers.

“The Math Learning Center” lets students interact with things that are familiar to them. Teachers are able to customize things. They can create their own problems. This encourages flexible thinking that lets students find different ways to understand a problem.

“Flip Grid:” This website is exceptional because it offers back-and-forth video dialog among students. “Flip Grid” allows for collaboration.

“Peardeck” offers immediately visible replies from students. It works well with “Google Slides.”

Tools That Make It Easier:

These tools are useful to online instructors who need to add to their lessons. They provide teachers with solid support.

“Padlet” lets students learn from one-another. The instructor can upload the content and give the students feedback. It has something called an “image search option.”

“Kahoot” is yet another supportive tool. It can help an instructor to wrap things up.

“Wordwall” has lots of content to support teachers with.

Whatever needs fit your lessons, there are tools available online to help enhance lessons and learning.

Originally published to



Marilyn Gardner, Lawyer
Marilyn Gardner, Lawyer

Written by Marilyn Gardner, Lawyer

Marilyn Gardner is a lawyer and educator in Milton, Massachusetts.

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